Looking Into Spinal Decompression at Home
The spine is meant to be the strong foundation of the human body. It supports you through the everyday wear and tear brought on by even the most simple motions, all while enduring gravity’s effects. The end result of all this is spinal compression, and you can feel it in the dull aches and pains in your back and neck. To alleviate this, you need to decompress the spine, and if you’re wanting to do it yourself, you’ll need simple ways to do so. Luckily, there are simple strategies you can use for spinal decompression at home.
Non-Surgical Decompression
By gently stretching out the spine, you are utilizing non-surgical spinal decompression. This spinal decompression therapy has proven useful in treating ailments such as sciatica, bulging/herniated discs, posterior facet syndrome, and more. If you seek this kind of spinal decompression therapy at a doctor’s office, tools and methods may include electrical muscular stimulation, ultrasound treatment, and hot or cold therapy.
But, if you wish to take action on your own time, there are several things you can do to achieve spinal decompression at home. The first step is to increase how conscious you are of your posture. It’s important to keep your spinal alignment in mind, even when you’re not in motion. But beyond that, there’s a lot more you can do.
Decompression in Motion
Physical therapists recommend several back exercises that are helpful for spinal decompression at home. Here are just a few:

Hanging Decompression
Simply hang from a pull-up bar as long as your grip will allow. The weight of your lower body gently pulls on your spine and increases space between discs.

Exercise Ball Stretch
For this, you’ll need an exercise ball that is large enough to keep you a decent distance off the floor. Lay on the ball face up, planting your feet on the floor and extending your arms either backward or to the sides.

Spinal Twist
From a sitting or standing position, simply twist your torso to the left or right and hold the position for several seconds. To increase the potency of this move, use your hands to anchor yourself against a wall or table as you twist.

Child’s Pose
This yoga position is highly effective in decompressing the spine. Kneel on the floor, then press your lower back and buttocks towards your feet while lowering your head and stretching your arms as far forward as they’ll go.
These are just a few simple methods for spinal decompression at home. If you are having spinal issues of greater severity, you may need more in-depth care from medical professionals. At Absolute Life Wellness Center, Dr. Shaddock and his team specialize in treating many different injuries and health conditions. Get in touch with us today and see how we can personalize a pain management plan for you!